Our Guarantee - 4x4Style

We guarantee “always fair prices

4x4Style maintains an everyday savings pricing policy. We watch other retailers closely and maintain competitive pricing. The internet being the beast it is means that any Tom, Dick or Henrietta can set up a website in their back room and charge bargain basement/off the back of a lorry (guv) prices. Often they will have no stock, no returns policy, questionable security, no guarantees and of course poor customer service. 4x4Style strives to be open and honest, so we will never inflate our prices to set up an artificial ‘sale’ (a common – and illegal – retail practice).

It is inevitable in an open market like the internet that there will be some individuals selling some items cheaper than we do, and some selling them for more than we do, just as in the high street. We take great pride in offering a fast, efficient, friendly and secure shopping experience, with great products at fair prices. We encourage our customers to shop around, but are very pleased to welcome them back again and again.

We guarantee to dispatch your order when we say we will.

If you order before 3pm, Monday to Friday and we have your items in stock, we’ll dispatch the same day. If you order after 3pm, we’ll still try to dispatch that day but, if we can’t, we’ll dispatch the following day. Items ordered after 3pm Friday or over a weekend will be dispatched Monday. Items dispatched on Friday are for delivery the following week. Items ordered over a Bank Holiday will be dispatched the next working day. 4x4Style is constantly updated to keep pace with changes in our stock but demand is high and we occasionally run out of popular items. If we have run out of stock and can’t dispatch your order the next working day, we’ll email or phone you with a revised dispatch date. You can then either accept the revised dispatch date or cancel the order, as you wish.

We guarantee to replace any goods which aren’t suitable.

We guarantee to accept back any goods that you do not want, are not suitable, have changed your mind about, in fact, for ANY reason, provided the goods reach us within 30 days of dispatch from us, in their original condition and packaging. Please tell us why you are returning the items, just for our records. The original purchase price of the goods will be refunded on to the card that was used for their purchase. Sorry, but we cannot refund the carriage costs.

We guarantee to sort out any problem with your order

Just contact us if you have any problems with an order from 4x4Style. We’ll tell you exactly what steps we’re going to take to rectify the problem.

We guarantee full warranty support on all items

Just contact us if you have a warranty problem. All goods supplied by 4x4Style are from official sources and are covered by the normal manufacturer’s warranty. We guarantee that we will only charge your credit/switch card when your goods are dispatched. This is your right under UK law and, if we do anything else, it’s illegal!

We guarantee that we won’t pass your email details on to anyone else

Absolutely not. All your details are treated as strictly confidential. We’re internet users, too, and we know how annoying unsolicited email can be. We wouldn’t risk annoying you by being the cause of it.

We guarantee that shopping with us is safe

Our website uses the very latest secure server hardware and software, and is certified secure by Thawte. As added security for you, we are members of ‘IMRG’ (Interactive Media in Retail Group), a trade organisation that represents all the major UK on-line retailers. We are members of IDIS, the official merchant accreditation scheme for delivery standards and best practice for e-Commerce. Becoming members we aim to prove and offer the highest form of customer services.

Our website uses the very latest secure server hardware and software, and is certified secure by Comodo. As added security for you, we are applying for membership of ‘IMRG’ (Interactive Media in Retail Group), a trade organisation that represents all the major UK on-line retailers.

Ordering from 4x4Style

Ordering from 4x4Style is easy in fact, it’s so easy that we don’t think you’ll need any instructions but here they are, just in case

  • find an item you like
  • choose the colour/model, if applicable, by clicking on the drop down list to view the options, then clicking again on the one you require
  • click your left mouse button in the “ADD TO BASKET” box below the item and type the quantity you require
  • wherever you are on 4x4Style, you can add items to your basket in the same way
  • you can check the contents of your basket and the total cost at any time by clicking on the “view your basket” button
  • you can remove items from your basket or alter the quantity required at any time.
  • post and packing costs will be shown on your shopping basket
  • click the “checkout” button when you finish shopping
  • fill in all the order details on the secure form

If you have any problems ordering from 4x4Style, send us an email to [email protected]
